During the job-hunting period in Japan have you ever thought what company would be perfect for you?
You can learn about the companies you are going to apply in our online Job Fair for international job-seekers! Only two days, 23rd and 24th June, you will be able to compare about 25 firms and search the right workplace!
The event is held online, so those who do not live in Japan are also welcomed!
Data: June 23 (Wed) -24 (Thu)
Fee: Free
The event is for: undergraduate, graduate, junior college, and vocational school students planning to graduate in March 2022 or September 2021, or those who have already graduated
Event pamphlet/details/registration here
Registration deadline: june 22 (Tue) 14:00 (Japanese Time)
Inquiries: kobejobfair@pasona.co.jp
9:00 – 16:00 (Japanese Time)
Fee: Free
The event is for: undergraduate, graduate, junior college, and vocational school students planning to graduate in March 2022 or September 2021, or those who have already graduated
Event pamphlet/details/registration here
Registration deadline: june 22 (Tue) 14:00 (Japanese Time)
Inquiries: kobejobfair@pasona.co.jp