About the “Foreign Skilled Professional Development Project” (Kobe Model)
Kobe City runs the “Foreign Skilled Professional Development Project,” which accepts outstanding international students with specialized knowledge and provides them with training in Japanese language, culture, and caregiving. The program also helps place them in caregiving facilities within the city.
For more details, check out our previous post: https://www.kobe-studyabroad.jp/ja/notebook/7087/
After securing a job, participants can obtain a residence status by earning the national qualification of a certified care worker while working, ultimately allowing them to apply for permanent residency in Japan.
The First Cohort Participants Who Contributed to This Interview (From Left):

What were your first impressions of Kobe?
Since Vietnam is a motorcycle-centered society, there are no trains. At first, we were confused about using trains in Kobe, but now we have fully adapted to train commuting.
We also feel that the people of Kobe have a generous and welcoming nature. The city’s long history of international exchange seems to have fostered a culture that naturally embraces foreign students.
How did you study Japanese?
We studied online for four months in Vietnam before coming to Japan.
Why did you decide to work in Japan?
Even before coming to Japan, we always felt a connection to the country through its food and culture.
What made you interested in care work?
Duyen: I had already been working in the caregiving field in Vietnam.
Drisstt and K’Son: We were looking for opportunities to work in Japan when we learned about the “Foreign Skilled Professional Development Project.” Since Japan is known for its advanced caregiving system, we decided to pursue caregiving jobs here.

How do you spend your days off?
We have two days off per week, which we spend relaxing. Sometimes, we take trips beyond Kobe to places like Himeji, Kyoto, and Osaka.
Lastly, what do you love about Kobe?
We always enjoy the city and its beautiful scenery. We especially love the flowers along the streets and the breathtaking view of Kobe from the mountains.